Our program

To cover the plains faster in search of new hunting grounds! A new departure with better weapons, an expedition in the company of the most experienced warriors.

Support to help you find the treasure trove

Need financing to develop your start-up? Our Big Chiefs are at your disposal to guide you towards appropriate schemes and put you in contact with the people you need to meet! We have more than one string to our bow, as you will see:

Aid & subsidies

When a start-up… starts up, it sometimes needs a little help with R&D projects and building a solid foundation. So check out the P.Factory Big Chiefs’ knowledge base! Thanks to their permanent tracking of available measures, they will be able to guide you towards the aid measures and subsidies most suited to your business’s level of development.


You need to take out a loan? Fine, but did you know there’s a specific type of loan depending on where a business is on its development curve? Before you go loan-hunting, P.Factory can advise you on which loan is the most suitable: on-trust loans to get you started, loans provided by the BPI or PACA Émergence to accelerate your business’s development and R&D or bank loans to finance growth – once the money starts coming in!


Finally, you’re starting to generate some traction! Well done, your enormous growth potential is showing concrete results. But here’s the rub: you need more cash to be able to stay on course and to maintain the right balance between shareholder’s equity and loans. At this juncture, if P.Factory agrees the funding need, our Big Chiefs will spring into action to assist you. Putting together the deck, coaching for the pitch, introductions to potential investors… we do everything to make sure this new step succeeds. To underline the faith we have in your project, P.Factory invests up to €25,000 with the same terms and conditions as other investors.


Les concours ? Il en existe plein à travers l’hexagone (et au delà) ! Mais encore faut-il trouver les plus pertinents pour votre startup ! N’ayez crainte, P.Factory passe au crible toute la liste et vous envoie seulement ceux qui collent avec votre activité. Nous vous aidons également pour optimiser les chances de remporter les prix mis en jeu !